I ATTENDED the parade of ex-servicemen and women on Sunday, May 8, in Worcester. At the war memorial, wreaths were laid although we commemorated the cessation of hostilities in Europe in 1945. We remembered that the Far East end of the conflict continued to rage for some months afterwards.

It was not until September 2, 1945, that USS "Missouri" dropped anchor in Tokio Bay to take on board the Japanese plenipotentiaries to sign the Articles of Surrender. This was the whole grim episode of World War II brought to a merciful end. Britain, alone among the belligerents, was at war for exactly six years. However, we must not forget those who have served in and, in some cases not come back from, conflicts subsequent to 1945.

We got a good reception as we marched along High Street, although I must admit my own marching capabilities are limited these days.

It was good to have the presence of the Mayor of Worcester and Derek Prodger, chairman of the County Council. However, the turnout did not seem to be as large as might have been hoped for, even allowing for the ravages of time.

Nevertheless it was good to meet friends I had not seen for some time.

