A COFTON Hackett husband and his partially-sighted wife have raised more than £8,000 by skiing nearly every day for five months.

Roger and Wendy Pepper of Cofton Church Lane, Cofton Hackett, travelled to the French Alps last December. Their aim was to ski as much as possible and collect cash for research for the Macular Disease Society.

Wendy has Sorsby's fundus dystrophy, an inherited form of central vision impairment, a condition known as macular degeneration. This leads to severe sight loss for which there is no cure.

But the accomplished skier, who has enjoyed the sport every year since 1969, managed to continue her hobby by following her husband's body shape in a fluorescent jacket. When the couple left earlier this month, Roger had clocked up 138 days skiing with Wendy at 89 days.

Wendy, who is a member of Barnt Green Macular Disease Group, said: "We had already planned to spend the entire winter season skiing but decided to add another dimension to it by raising sponsorship money. Many of our friends came out and joined us during our time out in France which was great."

She added: "My vision is getting worse. I now cannot read handwriting and am finding it hard to read printed matter and see people's faces. It is like wearing glasses with a blob of Vaseline in the middle."

By the time the pair had left for France last year they had already raised more than £3,000 contributed by sponsors. With a host of other pledges they expect the final total to be more than £8,000.

The Macular Disease Society aims to build confidence and independence for those with central vision impairment. The self-help society supports those with the condition to make the most of their remaining vision. To make a donation to the society, visit its website at www.maculardisease.org

For more details on Barnt Green Macular Disease Group contact Wendy on 0121 445 1585.