A WOMAN described as a "people person" whose door is always open to those in need is Bromsgrove's new first citizen.

As we indicated in last week's Advertiser/Messenger, councillor Jill Dyer MBE was chosen as the district council's chairman for the next 12 months at the annual meeting on May 10.

Cllr Dyer is a former teacher from Alcester Road, Wythall, and represents the Drakes Cross and Walkers Heath ward for the Conservatives on the authority.

Nominating her, her cabinet colleague Cllr Rita Taylor spoke of her extensive experience both in local government and in the many community affairs in which she is involved.

She added she believed she will carry out her civic duties with 'dignity and integrity.'

Thanking members, Cllr Dyer she said she was honoured to accept the chairmanship and underlined her intention to promote the council and district of Bromsgrove at every opportunity. Her consort will be her friend Betty Webb also from Wythall.

Referring to her immediate retiring predecessor, Cllr Ted Tibby, she said: "He is a very, very hard act to follow."

Congratulating her, Cllr Mike Gill (Ind-Woodvale) proposed his fellow Independent councillor Jean Luck (Alvechurch) as vice chairman.

A very worthy candidate, he said, she had been a councillor since 1987 and serves on all major committees.

Describing him a 'true public servant' Cllr June Griffith (Con-Alvechurch) proposed Cllr Craig Lanham (Con-Stoke Heath) for the post.

He was voted to the office by 21 votes to 17.

Cllr Dennis Norton (Con-St John's) was again voted leader of the council.