A BROMSGROVE resident thinks the town fire service is simply the best after they rescued two dogs from her car.

Tina Turner, from Littleton Avenue, in Charford, had to call on Bromsgrove firefighters after her black labrador Kipper and collie Tess, who she was looking after for a friend, got accidentally locked in the boot of her car on Thursday, May 12. Tina had taken the dogs for a walk at 10.30am in Sanders Park, off Kidderminster Road, when she put the two pets in the boot of her Rover 216.

However, the boot slammed shut and locked automatically, trapping the pets inside the vehicle along with her keys.

She said: "The weather was very hot and they had been out running and were panting heavily.

"I was very worried about them because of how hot it was in the boot. I called the fire station and they came within minutes."

White Watch used a coat hanger to unlock the boot and free the pair within minutes.

"I really want to thank white watch for all they did. Both Tess and Kipper were fine," added Tina.