A CONCERNED parish council will foot the bill for a village youth club leader.

The popular group, which has been held at the sports and social club, in Shaw Lane, Stoke Prior, attracted dozens of youngsters.

But funding to pay for a community sports development officer to run the club, which came from community safety cash, has finished.

Now Stoke Parish Council will fund the post. The officer will be employed by Bromsgrove District Council but the parish council will be invoiced for the extra hours running the village club.

At present the youth club has been suspended because of a previous problem but talks are underway concerning a future venue.

Cllr Athol Deakin said: "There is a lot of vandalism and antisocial behaviour in Stoke because children have nothing to do.

"This youth club gave the kids somewhere to go and have an interest."

At the May meeting some councillors thought troublemakers at the club should not be abandoned but helped to keep them off the streets.

Chairman Thelma Roll suggested membership cards could be introduced when the youth club started up again. She mentioned the possibility of setting up a table tennis group with coaching for youngsters in the village hall.

At the meeting, members were also concerned about the amount of empty beer cans, broken glass and litter strewn across the recreation ground in Ryefields Road.

Cllr Josie Guest added: "The children of Stoke should know that the parish council is trying to help them but they also need to respect the village."