BENEFIT cheats in Bromsgrove face a crackdown in the courts after magistrates found a 57-year-old man guilty of fraud.

Brian Poulton, of Perryfield Crescent, admitted two charges of failing to declare changes in his circumstances which led to him being overpaid by more than £3,000.

He was given 18 months conditional discharge on each charge and ordered to pay £100 costs.

Cheats have now been given a stark warning to watch out after the joint prosecution by Bromsgrove District Council and the Department for Works and Pensions.

A spokesperson for the council said it was part of a continuing crackdown and emphasised the seriousness of benefit fraud.

It also showed they were prepared to join up with the Department of Work and Pensions to make sure benefits are properly paid and take legal action where necessary.

"Closer working with our partners in local authorities like Bromsgrove means we know where and when people try to commit benefit fraud. So, cheats beware," said the Government's new Anti-Fraud Minister James Plaskitt.

Redditch Magistrates Court heard Poulton failed to declare he had capital over the prescribed limit between March 16 and September 6 last year. It resulted in him being paid £3,343 too much in council tax benefit and Jobseekers Allowance.

Suspected fraud can be reported in a number of different ways. The council has its own Fraud Hotline on 01527 881221 or an e-mail can be sent to

The details can also be entered on the Fraud Referral Form on the council's website at

There are also national fraud hotlines on 0800 328 6341 and 0800 854440.