A SPA businessman has hit out at Wychavon District Council for refusing his planning application and claims he will now have to close his company and sack his 10-strong workforce.

Managing director Toby Harris runs telemarketing company THMC from his home in Charlotte Bronte Drive, Droitwich Spa. He applied for planning permission to use his garage as office space as his business expanded.

Now the district council has refused the application due to potential traffic problems caused by the company.

But Toby says: "It is company policy not to drive on to the estate. Two of my staff live next door anyway and the others can't drive.

"Our clients never visit us at the office so that doesn't cause any traffic either. I just can't understand what they would mean."

But the council received eight letters from concerned neighbours who said the area was being detrimentally affected by cars parking around the property.

Toby has seen an anonymous letter, which called for residents to protest against the application saying extra cars would be dangerous for children, but Toby is insistent that there are no extra cars.

Now Toby is going to try and get the decision overturned but he said if he is not successful the business will close as he cannot afford to move to new premises.

THMC Marketing has been operating for a year. Toby said: "It has been hard-going but we've come through our first year of trading . However, if this situation isn't sorted out, we will have to close. It's very worrying."

A Wychavon District Council spokesman said: "We are not in the business of wanting to shut down entrepreneurs. What we have to do is look at the suitability of running a business from a residence. It is considered there are too many people employed in the business and it has gone beyond what we think is acceptable.

"We are prepared to allow Mr Harris time to find another premises but he has to be realistic about continuing to trade on this level."