SPA folk looking for somewhere to live could find themselves in newly 'made-over' houses, thanks to Wychavon District Council.

The council's housing services department has given a new lease of life to empty properties to provide suitable homes for those in need.

Over the last 12 months, the council has been writing to the owners of properties that have been uninhabited for more than a year, offering them grants to make the houses fit and habitable.

In return, the council has 'nomination rights' to house applicants from Wychavon's housing waiting list.

Wychavon property standards officer, Kirstie Eaton, said: "It's a win-win scheme for everyone. We are able to house people from our waiting list, they get a newly-renovated place to live and the owner benefits from a grant and rental income."

She added: "It's important for economic, environmental and social reasons that we make the most of housing stock in the district that may be being underused.

"This is an excellent way of making sure Wychavon residents benefit from buildings that are already available."

The first empty property in the scheme was let in February 2005, with four more rented out since then.

Works are in progress at a further four properties with several more in the pipeline.