THE Moreton office of estate agent Strutt & Parker is organising its first annual Young Country Person of the Year competition.

Youngsters hoping to gain official recognition for their achievements in the countryside should submit their applications by Wednesday, July 20. The awards will then be presented during a special ceremony at Moreton Show on Saturday, September 3.

The entry criteria is broad, with everything from farming, livestock showing, dressage and eventing to hedge laying and woodland management considered.

Emma Bishop, of the firm's estates and farm agency department at Moreton, said: "During the past year the countryside, and more specifically country sports, has been at the forefront of the political agenda.

"On a simpler level, we believe the countryside and the very diverse range of activities that can be enjoyed there should be promoted much more to youngsters, particularly those living in urban areas with nothing to do. Equally, children who spend much of their time in front of the TV or on their computers should be encouraged to take a more active role in the countryside."

Many young people already enjoy a wide range of country pursuits and taking part in conservation projects. The competition provides the opportunity for those aged from ten to 18 to showcase their ideas and skills.

All entrants are asked to write a letter stating why they deserve to win the Young Country Person 2005 title and to send it with photograph(s) of themselves. Action shots to illustrate their countryside activities/hobbies are helpful.

Further details and application forms are available from Rebecca Lock or Emma Bishop, Strutt & Parker, High Street, Moreton GL56 OLH, email young.person@struttand Entries will be split into three categories, judged by Jasper Feilding, head of the estate agency at Moreton, and presented by a special guest.