BROADWAY members enjoyed another successful weekend when they entertained visitors from Barnwood and Shaftesbury.

In addition they made a winning start to their programme in the Willersey Provisions Cup when comprehensively overcoming Bredon comprehensively both home and away last Wednesday.

In what is traditionally a close-fought encounter, Broadway won on all three rinks at home with skips Paul Speake, Andrew Walters and Steve Aldren winning overall by 31 shots.

In the three games at Bredon, Phil Taylor and Dave Dennis won while Joan Parfitt lost a close game by three shots.

Barnwood from Gloucester were last Saturday's visitors and they arrived boasting an unbeaten run in friendlies this season.

Broadway, though, won on four rinks to bring this impressive sequence of results to an end. Dennis Hall's rink won 35-11 and there were also wins for Dave Cresswell, Brian Ford and Peter Springell.

Rink scores: K Speakman, D Oldcorn, S Irons, D Hall won 35-11. F Green, P Bowes, J Chapman, D Cresswell won 25-16. P Hale, B Sturgess, F Crosbie, M Aubrey lost 22-13. R Bryant, R Turner, S Aldren, P Springell won 18-17. P Groom, J Davies, G Tucker, B Ford won 20-13. T Chambers, H Kirk, R J Oliver, D Dennis lost 27-11.

The next afternoon, the visitors were the Dorset tourists who had been in the county on a week-long tour.

On a green that was superbly presented and in ideal conditions, it was the hosts who romped to victories on four of the seven rinks to win 155-121.

John Oliver and Dave Cress-well won comfortably to ensure victory for the home team.

Rink scores: P Bowes, J Moore, F Crosbie, J Parfitt lost 30-19. K Speakman, D Oldcorn, J Barlow, D Cresswell won 28-11. F Green, W Taylor, E Crosbie, M Aubrey lost 19-17. J Barnes, P Mansion, L Skett, B Ford won 19-15. M Barnes, P Smith, J Chapman, D Dennis lost 23-16. R Bryant, L Rafferty, S Irons, R J Oliver won 36-10. D Gleghorn, T Hopkins, G Tucker, D Speake won 20-13.