LAST Sunday saw the annual RNLI benefit races held at the Arden club at Defford.

In the first of three races, Jeremy and Michelle Griffiths (Enterprise) took a commanding lead and, despite his best efforts, Ralph Evans (Solo) was unable to keep close enough to beat them on handicap. Third place went to Stuart and David Stephen (Enterprise).

It was a struggle to keep moving second time out in the calm conditions and Evans did well to pull out a significant advantage over the duo in the Enterprise who came in second with the Comet of John Tildes-ley coasting home in third.

A very short course was set for the third and final race for which the wind conditions showed no improvement. Again the Enterprise and the Solo were to the fore, leading the rest of the fleet by a significant margin.

Victory again went to Jeremy and Michelle with third place taken by the Topper of Val Jolly.

The generosity of the participants and spectators will see monies forwarding to the RNLI.

For those who have missed the current training course, the club is staging open Day on Sunday, June 12 as a recruiter for the next course in July.

For further details ring Ray on 01386 554109 or Alan on 0121 453 6611.