THE Queen's Speech met a cool response from Herefordshire and Worcestershire business leaders.

Responding to yesterday's opening of Parliament, the two counties Chamber of Commerce criticised the Government's policies on issues such as maternity pay and increasing flexible working rights.

The chamber did, however, welcome other aspects such as cutting back on red tape.

"This speech will not get a good reaction from business at a time when the economic climate remains worrying," said Christopher Harvey, the chamber's policy and representation manager. "A major concern is the Government's plan to increase flexible working rights and extend maternity leave to nine months.

"While we support a sensible work-life balance, the rate of change is simply too much too soon," said Mr Harvey.

"The Government is failing to listen to business. The consultation on these proposals has not even concluded yet but it is clear the Government is determined to press ahead.

"The Regulatory Reform Bill, however, could be a major step forward in the drive to cut the cost of red tape.

"However, there have been big promises made in the past on regulation and businesses are still waiting for delivery."