A SCHEME to knock down an Edwardian building in a conservation area in the centre of Malvern to make way for an apartment block has divided planners.

Complete Utilities Ltd applied to Malvern Hills District Council to construct the eight-apartment block at 46 Church Road.

The scheme involves the demolition of the property and includes eight parking spaces being created.

Last night councillors voted 8-7 in favour of deferring it to the head of planning for approval.

At the meeting, Roland Hulls of nearby Merton Road slammed the proposals, saying the block would overlook his garden and cause problems with parking on site.

Michael Peach of Highfield Road - who has practised as an architect working on the conservation of historic buildings for 35 years - also raised criticisms.

"This is not a listed building, nor is it outstanding as a mid-Victorian stuccoed villa. It is, however, in a conservation area and for the purposes of demolition becomes a listed building.

"Perhaps the committee will have another look and see whether it can be retained, as it should, and be extended for some flats."

Several residents wrote in objecting to the density as being excessive and also to insufficient parking spaces and a loss of privacy.

Councillor Clive Smith recommended it be delegated to the head of planning for approval subject to revisions being made to the parking and the north-south elevation to reduce the degree of overbearance.

Councillor Philip Rumney agreed as he said it would improve on what was there.

However, Councillor John Raine refused to support it, saying he thought the existing building was recoverable. Councillor Roger Hall-Jones also voiced opposition.

"This building is part of our history and I haven't heard a single excuse as to why it, in a conservation area, should be demolished except perhaps because you could put a few more buildings on site," he said.