CRUMBS was the reaction of workers at a Hartlebury biscuit-making factory when the 91-year-old founder of their company paid a visit.

Staff at Rich Products have been among more than 6,500 worldwide celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the firm's American parent company, by Robert E Rich Senior, who called in at the Hartlebury Trading Estate site on Wednesday last week.

Mr Rich was on a global whistle-stop tour of all of the company's 18 subsidiaries. He set up the business in 1945 when he created the world's first non-dairy cream whip topping. It is now a multi-billion dollar worldwide concern.

The firm's Hartlebury employees made their nonagenarian guest welcome, treating him to a celebratory lunch in a marquee specially erected for the event in the firm's grounds.

During the visit, Mr Rich toured the site's cookie factory and development kitchen before going on to present awards to long-serving staff members, some of whom had been with the company for 15 years.

He also made a cash donation for the redesign of the factory's canteen area.

Simon Turpitt, Rich's UK managing director, said: "The 60th anniversary is a significant milestone for Rich and it has been an enjoyable day.

"It's fantastic that Mr Rich Senior committed his time to come and see the factory and meet everyone in the UK branch."