GLORIOUS sunshine made Sunday's River Severn raft race a day to remember as 36 homemade craft took to the water.

First past the winning post of the eight-and-a-half mile course from Arley to Stourport was Patrick's Gulpers, in the super raft class, with a time of one hour, 17 seconds.

The 25th annual event, organised by Kidderminster and District Lions Club, went without a hitch and is expected to have raised a few thousand pounds for charity.

Lions president, Tony Rhoden, said: "The weather certainly made a difference. It was such a beautiful day and everyone was in good spirits."

Rafters are allowed to donate sponsorship money to their own chosen charities or they can give to the Lions' charities which, this year, are Cancer Research UK and Acorns Hospice.

Boatbuilders, Sealine, entered several rafts and won the works class with its F42 in a time of two hours, 36 seconds.

Bewdley's Hop Pole pub won the pub/club class, the ladies class was clinched by Super Raft Triffids 2, while Bilston and Willenhall Lions Club were the fastest Lions club and the STYBA took the open class.

The best dressed award went to Andy's Barber Shop, with a toytown raft.