MEMBERS of Stou-rport Bowling Club are looking forward to a prestigious "once in a lifetime" opportunity to face a select squad from the English Bowling Association.

The sport's national body have taken the rare step of agreeing to send a team for a one-off match at Stourport's base in Lickhill Road next Thursday.

Club president Sid Barkas said the prestigious fixture had been arranged to mark the opening of new changing rooms at the site.

Members of the English Bowling Association squad will also help Stourport celebrate their induction as a Worcestershire Bowling Association rink bowling club.

"It is a real coup for us to have the English Bowling Association send a team to play us because they don't often do this," said Barkas.

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity for us and as you can imagine we're extremely excited about it."

The match came about as a result of former County Bowling Association president Jim Parrish and his successor John Tolley, who is now president at the English Bowling Association.

It is still unknown who will line up for the EBA with officials hinting at bringing several past and present bowls stars to mark the occasion.

Either side of the match which will take place from 2pm until 5pm, officials from the national body will be treated to lunch and an evening dinner at Stourport.

The club were able to build new changing rooms as a result of a lottery sports grant.

STOURPORT bowls sensation Vicki Evans scored a victory for girl power by becoming the first woman to win the Winter Gardens Bowling Club trophy in Tenerife.

The 56-year-old conquered the reigning Lady singles champion and the men's title-holder to clinch the overall top prize.

She showed impressive form to beat the ladies champ 21-10 and overcome the men's number one 21-18 in a thrilling last end victory.

Evans, who has been playing for eight years and represents Stourport and Chainwire, has now won a place at a tournament in Belfast in August. She has also qualified for the International Games in Portugal in October.