TWENTY-FIVE men are in for a close shave at a Worcester pub after volunteering to have their locks chopped off to raise money for a city schoolgirl diagnosed with cancer.

The Worcester News reported last week how five-year-old Danielle Hefti, from Dalegarth Court in Warndon, was diagnosed with Wilms Tumour - a type of lung cancer - just three weeks ago.

So to support her through chemotherapy the Warndon Infant School pupil's dad, barman Richard Knight, decided to shave his head - and invited others to do so in a mass sponsored event at The Cricketers Arms in Angel Street on Wednesday, June 8.

All the money raised will be split between travel costs to Birmingham Children's Hospital for Mr Knight and Danielle's mum Louise Hefti, a holiday for the family and research into cancers which affect children.

Since the article appeared, Mr Knight said he had been overwhelmed by phone calls from people wanting to help.

Mr Knight said: "The response has been brilliant. We now have 25 people who will be shaving their head on the night - that's the limit and, unfortunately, we've had to turn some people away," he said.

He added Danielle - who was being fed on a drip after reacting badly to her first dose of chemotherapy - was now coping better with the treatment and was eating and drinking again, and able to come home in between hospital visits.

"She thinks what we are doing is brilliant, and if she is well enough she wants to come down to the pub and watch us all having our hair shaved off," he said.

To sponsor or donate money, call The Cricketers Arms on 01905 23583.