MP Peter Luff has backed villagers' calls for a public inquiry into the proposed extension of Kanes Foods in Middle Littleton, near Evesham.

He has appealed to deputy prime minister John Prescott to step into the row following Wychavon's controversial decision to breach their planning guidelines.

The district council passed the plans for a six-acre extension to the 20-acre food distribution and packing company, which makes pre-packed food for supermarkets, subject to approval from the Secretary of State.

Head of planning, Gill Colin, said the economic dependency of the company had to be taken into consideration.

The decision outraged villagers who believe their lives will be adversely affected by extra heavy goods vehicles streaming past their homes.

In his letter to Mr Prescott, Mr Luff said: "I recognise the very real difficulties facing Wychavon District Council in reaching its decision but I think there is a strong case for independent scrutiny."

Parish council chairman Jeremy Farrow said the statistics relied upon at the Wychavon planning meeting were all provided by Kanes and must therefore be subject to an independent review, at least.

They also cited the constant acquisition of local properties by Kanes Foods to provide hostel accommodation for migrants.

Mr Farrow said it damaged the ability of local families to stay in the village and negatively impacted on the local school roll with potentially unwelcome effects.

The owner of Kanes Foods, Dr John Randall, said: "It's a shame if our commercial position is affected by the delay. The economic justifications are very strong indeed and I think we will be vindicated."

Villagers are expected to turn out in force at the annual parish meeting tonight at the Littletons School, starting at 7pm.