DESPITE adverse weather conditions on Friday evening, Derek Taylor caught carp to 6lb to win the Open, fishing three metres out, feeding corn with corn on the hook.

In the Triplex AC match on Sunday, a 21lb 6oz mirror carp was landed.

Friday Afternoon Open, Dragonfly: Taylor 49-15, Steve Pearce 37-14, Andy Price 34-9-8.

Sunday Morning, Old Farm AC, Dragonfly: Richard Clark 62-10, Darren Hickman 6-0, C Hautzer 3-10.

The Moon AC, Dragonfly: Pearce 64-15, Mark Biles 32-10, Keith Viney 25-5.

FH Lloyds AC, Whispers: Dave Gill 25-15, Christy Evans 23-6, Mick Edwards 19-9.

Sunday Afternoon, Triplex AC, Dragonfly: Graham Upton 110-4, Bob Ellis 79-10, John Harris 67-6.

To book for the Friday Afternoon Open, draw 3.30pm, fishing from 4pm, telephone 01562 777406.