CONVERSATION is likely to be as sharp as needles at the new Knit and Bitch club in Evesham.

The Woolshop in Kings Charles Court has introduced a coffee morning with a difference.

Every Tuesday members of the newly-formed club meet from 10am until noon.

Knitters are welcome to call in with their work and stay for a coffee and a chat, said shop owner Margaret Raymond.

She said three meetings have already taken place and the response has been great, with up to a dozen enthusiasts attending.

Extra chairs had even been borrowed from a local pub.

Margaret added: "We set this club up for absolutely anyone who wants to come along.

"We have people of all ages in here and hopefully we can set a trend in the area as knitting is becoming something of a new fashion."

The club can provide a wide range of equipment and materials for a small fee. The hope is that the idea will grow and grow.

For information on how to get involved, call the Evesham Woolshop on 01386 765844.