STUART Tibbets took the points at Elmbridge with carp to 7lb caught on worm and caster, for his first win of the season. Martin Tayloe used woodland pellet on the Arles Pool to record his first win.

Elmbridge, Pheasant: Tibbets 82-0, Alan O'Brian 76-10, Mark Johnson 73-4, Tim Jones 63-12, Emile Dymow 60-12, Tayloe 57-6.

Woodland View, Arles: Tayloe 50-13, Andy Bentley 40-7, Roger Butler 32-4, Tibbets 31-0, Richard Billingham 30-12, Dave Lewis 28-4.

Aggregate, top 10: Billingham 108, Johnson 102, Tayloe 90, Keith Clarke 81, Steve Cleavely 81, Jones 79, Lewis 72, Perry Mountain 61, Butler 60.

On Saturday there will be a match at Poole Hall's Heron Pool. The draw will take place on the bank at 8am, with fishing from 9am until 2pm.