A selection of the messages posted on the News Forum on the Shuttle/Times and News website

Support for CSOs -it can't be easy

I'd just like to add my support and encouragement to the new Community Support Officers.

Any initiative that increases police presence and fosters community spirit is to be welcomed rather than snidely dismissed.

Good luck, it can't be an easy job. All those ready with criticisms, think again - would you do it? No? Keep quiet then.


I agree that any initiative to increase a police presence is welcome but I feel that with regard to the CSOs, the chance to make them more effective has been lost.

With West Midlands Police the CSOs have powers to issue fixed penalty tickets for several offences including dropping litter, allowing your dog to foul our streets and parking offences - all problems we have in Wyre Forest.

I would like to see these officers given these powers. The Special Constables have them!

There appears to be problems in Broadwaters with regard to children aged around 15 driving cars around in the early hours of the morning and the residents want it stopped.

First of all could I urge the residents to phone the police every time this happens and ensure that the problem is logged?

In this way the problem becomes a statistic and action will have to be taken sooner or later. Don't leave it to someone else, the more who call in the better.

I also feel very strongly that the parents of children who commit offences should be punished as they are responsible for them.


Just to update Poplander, Community Support Officers in West Mercia can issue fixed penalty notices for dog fouling ,cycling on a footway and littering. This is not currently active (red tape) but they do have the powers and others are following.


Time to revive science park idea

Now that it looks likely that Longbridge will be closing, or at least most of it, there will be around 18,000 people out of work in the West Midlands.

Wolverhampton has just announced a new science park alongside the M54 in response and the A38 science park at Bromsgrove/Redditch is to be accelerated.

What has happened to the science park at Lea Castle and is this an ideal opportunity to get this back on the agenda? Many Rover workers live in the Wyre Forest/Black Country conurbation and Lea Castle is ideally sited for development.

Oh dear! I've just woken up and remembered that Wyre Forest District Council do not want industry in this area. They'd rather Worcester, Bromsgrove, Evesham, Telford and Droitwich reap the benefits.


As far as I see, there are five reasons why Lea Castle Science Park will be difficult to get started:

(1) There is no satisfactory road transport link to the M5 and the "central technology belt", because Kidderminster is in the way.

(2) The road transport infrastructure is inadequate around the site. The A449 from Broadwaters to Wall Heath needs to be straightened and made dual carriageway. Doing this alone will reduce road accidents and fatalities.

(3) Advantage West Midlands have highlighted the importance of the Wolverhampton Business Airport for the regeneration of Lea Castle. Most of Kinver, Wombourne, Cookley and Wolverley are against it (I think).

(4) Do you reckon the local residents will be happy about this?

(5) Unlike the Wolverhampton Science Park and probably the A38 Bromsgrove/Redditch Science Park, Wyre Forest does not receive financial aid from the Government (UK or EU).

Also it is not solely the responsibility of the district council. Worcestershire County Council need to be involved.

I asked the county council about this at the public consultation for the Local Transport Plan 2. They didn't have a clue! All I got was "Oh! I never thought of that!". TAV