YOUNG people in Evesham are appealing to the town's movers and shakers to help them get their own youth club.

They are urging councillors and heads of businesses to attend a meeting next Wednesday so hey can press home their needs.

The Evesham youth group, Our Side, has set up the meeting. One of the five members of the group, Carly Elwell, said "We will be telling those who attend about what we have done in the past, which includes producing and editing a DVD as well as an arts day in the centre of Evesham.

In the end we hope to have a safe place to go to relax and socialise. Something like a coffee bar would be great."

The meeting is to take place on May 25 at the Public Hall, Market Place, Evesham, from 6.30pm until 8pm.

Our Side's members are all aged between 16 and 18. The group was formed at Evesham High School after a quiz session when pupils were asked about their feelings on local issues. Members hope to raise the profile of young people in Evesham and to highlight the lack of provision and safe facilities in the area for teenagers.

At the moment the members use Wallis House as a meeting place but hope that in time they will have somewhere of their own.

The Learning and Skills Development Agency, (LSDA) with the backing of Worcestershire County Council Youth Service, funded the project. For further information contact Kirsty Fraser on 01905 748370.