BUMPY rides to Evesham Sports Club will be a thing of the past, now the access road has been resurfaced.

It's thanks mainly to Severn Waste Service who came up with £10,000 to help fund the £12,000 needed for the project. The company provided the funds through the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme which was used to upgrade the access road to the club's riverside sports ground.

Evesham Sports Club is the largest community amateur sports club in the area with rugby, cricket, bowls and junior football sections.

Chairman Bob Bailey said: "Thousands of people come to the ground every year but the road that they used to reach the club, alongside the river, was in a terrible state.

Now, thanks to Severn Waste and the tax credit scheme, we have been able to re-surface the road to a high standard which will be good for many years to come."

He said the extra money came from club funds, boosted by many fundraising events throughout the year.

Besides the host of club members and visiting teams who use the ground, the access road is essential for school mini-buses and disabled people who previously had to pick their way through the potholes.

Richard Capaldi, chairman of the clubhouse and grounds committee, managed the re-surfacing project for the sports club assisted by John Staite, long-time member and stalwart volunteer supporter.

Severn Waste Services, based in Evesham, are the operators of the Hill and Moor landfill site and are responsible for managing recycling facilities throughout Worcestershire and Herefordshire.