WARNINGS from the police translated into Polish are being handed out to foreign workers in the Vale after several were targeted in a spate of thefts.

The latest incident, in which two mobile phones worth £160 was stolen, happened in Badsey last Saturday.

Thieves ransacked a mobile home on market garden ground along Bretforton Road at around 2pm. Two men wearing dark clothing were spotted leaving the scene on bicycles.

Police are also investigating a number of other daytime break-ins in the area, including incidents in Birlingham, Offenham and Aldington. Officers will be issuing letters warning workers of the thefts and offering tips on how to secure valuables and important documents.

Evesham beat manager PC Tom Iddon said: "We've taken the step of writing a warning letter and translating it into Polish because of the large number of Polish workers in the Vale. It will be distributed in the next few days and tells them about the recent incidents and how best to protect their belongings."

Advice includes handing all essential documents such as passports and driving licences to employers to secure in a safe. Other items, including bankcards, cash and mobile phones, should be kept on the person as often as possible. Last year the police produced 'Welcome to the Vale' leaflets which included guidance on driving laws.