STAFF at Evesham's Almonry Museum and Heritage Centre are stepping up plans to encourage a new generation of visitors to learn about the town's history.

Organisers are planning a variety of family activities over the coming months to encourage more people to the centre. They feel the museum's many artefacts and exhibits are just as relevant for schoolchildren now as they have always been.

Centre manager Michael Rowe said: "We can be considered quite a static museum by today's standards, with not many flashing lights or buttons to press. But we are looking at the way we can help local schools provide tools for the modern curriculum. We want to be a resource that fits in with modern approaches to learning."

One new idea includes a drawing competition being held from May 28 to June 3 for under-16s. Youngsters are being invited to sketch the centre with the winning entries being made up as notelets. Entries will be displayed in a future exhibition.

A poster design competition is also planned for later in the year and opportunities to display local artwork in the centre are also under way.

Mr Rowe hopes that future activities will encourage families to visit the centre and learn about the heritage of the town they live in.

He added: "We want people to contribute to the growth and development of the museum, and to show that the centre is not simply a collection of yesterday's treasures. It is a developing attraction that continues to be relevant today."