SCHOOLS have rallied behind a Shuttle/Times and News fund-raising drive that it is hoped will raise hundreds of pounds for Operation Covert.

Five Wyre Forest schools will invite pupils to wear their own clothes or their Scout uniform on Friday, May 27, the last day of the spring term.

With a donation of £1 from each child, the initiative is set to boost our appeal even further.

Kidderminster's Foley Park, Offmore and Franche First Schools have pledged their support, along with Stone and Far Forest First.

All schools will be featured in a Shuttle/Timesand News photo spread of the big day.

Shuttle/Times and News editor, Clive Joyce, said: "We are hoping even more schools will sign up to the day so that we can raise even more for Operation Covert.

"We know schools have many demands on their time and are very grateful to those who have pledged their support for this special day."