We would like to invite your readers to take part in this year's National Deafblind Friendly Awards.

We're deafblind ourselves - which means we have both sight and hearing difficulties.

We know how important it is that deafblind people are able to use the facilities most people take for granted.Unfortunately it can be a real problem.

Did you know that research has shown that one in four deafblind people have gone without food or medicine because shopping is so difficult for them?

The National Deafblind Friendly Awards are presented annually at a ceremony organised by the charities Sense and Deafblind UK.

Businesses and service providers also nominated themselves for the awards to highlight the work they have done to make the high street a more hospitable place.

Please request a nomination form if you think your organisation might be in with a chance.

Nominations are open until Monday, June 27, and the winners will be announced in October.

To request a form contact Sue Brown at Sense on 020 7561 3401 or Kim Olivier at Deafblind UK on 01733 358 100.

Nigel Marriott, Trustee, Sense and Janice Tillett,

Director, Deafblind UK.