CONTROVERSIAL plans for a business park at Marriage Hill in Bidford have been rejected following a public inquiry.

The site has been at the centre of a fierce five-year fight between Bidford Residents Group, BARG, and Color Estates.

Color Estates proposed to turn the nursery site into a 24ft high business development but the plans were thrown out by Stratford District Council in 2002.

The company appealed, then the district council called for a public inquiry.

In a report last Monday, the planning inspector refused the application.

He said the development would not fit into the rural surroundings of Bidford and the increase in transport through the town would not promote the environment while seriously injuring the amenities and houses.

Walter Stafford, spokesman from BARG, said: "This plan has been in the pipeline since 1994 and we're pleased this development hasn't been accepted. Bidford does not need any more developments or houses."