A KIDDERMINSTER girl has impressed judges and walked away with a prize for her "creative" anti-smoking poster.

Seven-year-old Kate Coomby won the competition that was open to all Brownies and Guides in the area.

She got £25 in recognition of her artistic skills, along with an extra £50 for St Chad's Brownie Pack in Comberton.

Her work could also be displayed around Wyre Forest schools, health centres and libraries.

The competition was organised by the Kidderminster and District Soroptimists to "raise awareness about the dangers of smoking," according to the group's president, Monica Rees. She said: "When you walk around the streets you see more young girls smoking now than ever, so we decided that this might help to tackle the problem.

"Kate is a lovely girl and the poster that she drew was so perceptive, especially for someone of that age," she added.

The result came as no surprise to Kate's "proud" grandmother, Beryl Millichap.

She said: " She is a very active little girl who is always reading and drawing.

"When I say all of the time, I mean it."

Kate's work was judged to be the best by Soroptimist members and graphic designer, Julijanna Zappia.