A HOST of grappling men, including Kidderminster wrestler Chris Cage and Worcester powerhouse, Jonny the Body, will get to grips with each other tomorrow night.

Kidderminster Town Hall is hosting the live wrestling action organised by Cardiff-based Pro Power Wrestling.

Also competing in the five matches will be American strongman Sal Americano and Staxx, son of 80s wrestling legend Giant Haystacks.

Staxx will be in a tag team with Kidderminster's Christopher Bath, aka Chris Cage, while Jonny the Body and Mad Dog Max make up rival tag team, The Fantastic Freebirds.

PPW champion of three and a half years, Caiman, will also take part, as well as Chris Petherwick from Preston.

It will be the second wrestling event that PPW has put on at Kidderminster Town Hall and John Stallard, aka Jonny the Body, described the show as "very much family entertainment".

He said: "Wrestling gets quite bad press sometimes for being blood-ridden but it's not like that - it's very much family entertainment and comedy is as much of it as sport so there's something for everyone there."

The 26-year-old added: "I was meant to wrestle in the last event there but broke my ankle the week before so this is my first match in Kidderminster."

More information and tickets for the event, which starts at 7.30pm with doors opening at 6.45pm, can be obtained by calling the venue on 01562 732158.