THE new mayor of Stourport has said under-age drinking and vandalism are key issues he wants to tackle during his year in office.

Michael Freeman said a ban on boozing in the town centre was essential to cut down disorder.

The 60-year-old, who was appointed this month, said: "Stourport Town Council are in the throes of bringing out these laws to stop people drinking in the streets.

That is something I am very keen on."

In 2003, an alcohol-free zone was established in Bewdley town centre, proving popular with residents and businesses.

Mr Freeman, of Bullus Road, said engaging young people was also vital in the bid to stamp out bad behaviour.

To that end, Mr Freeman has nominated Burlish Olympic Youth Football Club as one of his mayor's charities.

Mr Feeman, who represents the Conservative Party on the town council, said "They give the kids something to do which, I think helps towards stopping vandalism."

Stourport-born and bred, Mr Freeman runs his own vehicle repair and haulage firm in the town. He has been married for 40 years and has two grown-up sons.

He said: "It is an honour to be made mayor of Stourport. I am very proud."