RUN-down Stourport High School "will not survive" until 2011, when cash to knock it down and rebuild it becomes available, its headteacher says.

The Minster Road school desperately needed a £20m cash injection before 2011, when the district is set to receive a £110m Government payout for all its high schools, Liz Quinn has warned.

Mrs Quinn said: "The LEA have visited me recently and they are very concerned about the state of my building, as am I. It will not survive until 2011, I don't think, so they are

looking at what they can do to help us."

Outside funding is needed to get work started, she said.

"It is getting towards a bit of a crisis point. The school is falling apart. It is past its shelf life and all we can do, really, is repair it."

Leaking roofs and crumbling ceilings were common and complete rebuild, with facilities including a theatre and a gym, was needed.

Mrs Quinn added: "I am not going to rest until I get it."

Worcestershire is set to receive its allocation from the Government's Building Schools for the Future programme. in 2011 and the council has made Wyre Forest its priority.

The council's head of education policy development, Colin Weedon, said: "Stourport High is one of the schools that will certainly need a complete replacement and it would be in everybody's interests to do it sooner rather than later."