THE Red Cross coffee morning at The Old Chapel raised £119. Local organiser Margaret Honey is most grateful for your support.

Our weekend celebrations start this evening (Friday) at the parish hall at 7.30pm with a ration book supper and war-time concert party entertainment, including some rousing sing-along songs led by the Greenwood Voices. With all tickets sold, it should be a memorable evening.

This is a village weekend not to be missed! The flower festival opens at 11am tomorrow (Saturday) to the ringing of the church bells. The tower will remain open until 12.15pm for a presentation of ringing with computer programmes, videos and literature. The church is open on Saturday and Sunday from 11am-5.30pm and the theme, Bosbury - The Home Front, has produced some imaginative interpretations.

Other attractions in the village include an art and craft exhibition in the Old Boys School, organ recitals and plant stall. The war years exhibition in the Parish Hall has produced some fascinating memorabilia and written accounts and will be open throughout the festival. Programme price is adults £4, children under-10 free. Refreshments are available on both days. Free village parking.

On Sunday, between 5.15pm-6.30pm, tower captain Frank Seabright and his team will attempt a quarter peal in honour of the festival. Our final celebration is a songs of praise at 6.30pm. We hope you can join us for this very special Trinity weekend.