FIFTEEN walkers and two dogs, Mollie and Tilly, met at the playing field car park in Upton-upon-Severn last Thursday morning in bright sunshine.

The five-mile walk was a delight and followed the banks of the River Severn, past the caravan site to Quay Road. Then across the main road to Hanley Castle village, through the churchyard and the Three Kings pub and behind Hanley Castle High School. It led up to Clive's Fruit Farm, along part of the nature trail and on to the site of the old castle mound and moat. The footpath continued, crossing the disused railway cutting of the Malvern-to-Tewkesbury branch line, over fields, to meet up again with the railways track and back to Upton.

Peter Harris led the walk and the next will be on Thursday, May 26 when Peter and Isabel Brant will lead a route in the Wyre Forest. Meet at the visitor centre, Callow Hill, off the A456, at 10am. For details, ring (01905) 23853.

A total of 35 interested parishioners turned up at St Peter's last Thursday evening to learn something of the history of the church. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the lecturer was unable to attend. So as not to disappoint, Mary Ward, one-time churchwarden, gave an extemporary talk on the history from the time when the church was just a wooden structure (mentioned in the Domesday Book) to its replacement by stone (in St Wulstan's time).

The church pews were added during Victorian times when the church was extensively restored. Mary described the six bells and the foundry where they were cast and drew attention to the organ and the recently restored Georgian Cooks's memorial. The evening proved an ideal opportunity to show off the new kitchen facility, when home-made biscuits and tea were served by Thea Wilde and friends.

Peter Gedge spoke of the newly formed Friends of St Peter's scheme to help foster interest and financially help to keep the church building and churchyard safe for the benefit of future generations. A leaflet containing details of the church and membership subscriptions is available in the church or by contacting the treasurer David Allen, 12 Prince Rupert Avenue, Powick (01905 831988).

Everyone in the parish is invited to attend the parish council's annual meeting on Tuesday, May 24 at 7.30pm in Powick Parish Hall. Organisations and groups within the villages of Callow End and Powick have been asked to submit reports on their year's activities. Come and see what happens on your doorstep.

Hurry and book your tickets for the Fabulous Boogie Boys (local band), playing at Powick Parish Hall next Saturday, May 28 from 8pm. Fabulous music and fine food for £12.50 per ticket. Available from Joy Hadley on (01905) 830126 or Naomi Reed on (01905) 830607.

Don't forget the grand fete in aid of Powick Church on Saturday, May 28 from noon until 5pm. Come and have your lunch, buy your bargains and stay for a cream tea. The usual stalls will be there, plus live music and raffle. The fete takes place at and around Powick Parish Hall on the Malvern road, near the school. Proceeds are for floor and organ repairs.

St Peter's Church will be open on Saturday afternoons from 2pm-5pm, beginning on June 4. Stewards will be on hand to welcome you and serve refreshments.