IN his report at the annual parish meeting of Staunton Parish Council, the chairman, Coun Clive Dent, said the past year had been a busy and eventful one.

They had seen the Conservation Area expanded and the occupants of listed Chartist bungalows still being pursued by the district council to comply with trivial regulations, regarding improvements they had made to their properties.

Both of these issues were strongly resisted by the parish council, sadly to no avail.

During the year, the council had responded to an exceptionally large number of planning applications and Listed Building Consents, 35 had been received, of which 17 were granted, five refused, six withdrawn and seven outstanding. One noticeable development, which has been throughout the year, is the improving co-operation and joint working with the neighbouring parish of Corse. He thanked Mrs Lewis, chairman of Corse Parish Council, for her support and efforts in bringing this about. He also thanked Coun Bradbury for representing Staunton Parish Council at Corse Parish Council meetings, which they have found most helpful.

Largely due to initiative of both councils, a parish plan is in the process of being produced. This involves the whole community and when finished, should bring considerable benefits to the development and enhancement of the area.

Road safety continues to be of concern and the council are rightly alarmed at the increasing number of serious accidents, some fatal, occurring locally.

A sub-group within the parish plan is investigating this at the moment and Coun Dent said he is optimistic that the parish council, with the help of the community, will be able to achieve more in the future.

A pedestrian crossing near the school, shops and services would be a good start and there is a real possibility one may be forthcoming. At the beginning of the year, a housing need survey was undertaken on behalf of the council and revealed a considerable need in the community for affordable housing.

Coun Dent spoke of the concern felt at the loss of the residential warden at the sheltered accommodation at Johnstone Close and he felt it was a pity that Forest of Dean Housing and the district council did not consult the parish council, so that other more acceptable options could have been explored.

On behalf of the parishioners and council of Staunton, they were able to place a wreath on the war memorial at the Remembrance Service last November and a number of parishioners have expressed their appreciation of this tribute, which they intend to continue in the future.

He thanked the councillors for all their support and contribution to the work of the council and also the clerk, Jane Cox, who has tried so hard to support and achieve the council's objectives.

He thanked Coun Bradbury for his efforts to keep the war memorial and surrounding area in such good condition.