THE May Fair last Saturday was again most successful. The produce, plants, toys and other items for sale attracted a lot of visitors and the proceeds for hall funds were £255. The church, and the other village organisations who had stalls, also did very well and thanks are due to everyone who helped to make the event such a success.

The hall now has a large projection screen which, together with the newly-installed sound system, will add to the facilities which the hall can offer.

The garden club had an interesting evening on Wednesday, walking around the orchards and strawberry fields of The Withers with George Leeds. Luckily, the weather was fine and the members were able to see the whole process of strawberry growing from the tiny runners to the fruiting plants.

Fruit growing is still a very labour intensive business and it was most interesting to hear Mr Leeds explaining the system, which despite mechanisation and computerised programmes, still needs a hands-on workforce of 250 people.

We will now have much more understanding of what is going on beneath the acres of polythene, which is such a part of our local views. Most of The Withers fruit goes to Tesco, so when the labels say local strawberries, we can be fairly certain that they really are.