Friday and Saturday, May 26-27, should see the village hall packed for the two productions of Bless 'Em All, a variety revue in celebration of the 60th anniversary of VE Day.

Recapturing the flavour of life on the 'Home Front' during the Second World War, it will cover aspects of life which became important to those living in Britain at the time, such as rationing, BBC outside broadcasts from locations in London and evacuees.

Conceived and produced by Gwyn Klee and Valerie Blackbourn, it will also feature children from the school and members of West Malvern Players, with brothers David and Michael Staiger helping with music and sound.

There will be interval refreshments "with a wartime theme" (dried egg sandwiches made with grey bread? Spam?) and the £5 admission charge will also include an illustrated souvenir programme.

Tickets will be available on the door or can be reserved in advance with Valerie Blackbourn on 564893, maybe a wise precaution bearing in mind the recent sell-out run of the Players' production of Daisy Pulls It Off. Thanks to the reader who came up with a 1937 wireless set in response to last week's appeal here.

If you didn't find what you wanted at the May Day Bank Holiday car boot sale on the Playing Fields, there will be another chance a week on Monday, May 29, when the next sale in the series is scheduled. Contact Richard Hammond (893951) for information, pitch reservations etc.

Looking much further ahead, the Friends of Adelaide House are planning an exhibition and sale of amateur paintings and other art for Saturday, August 6. This should provide a fine opportunity for local artists to exhibit their skills and for residents to admire the wealth of talent that exists in our community. Further information and entry forms, for those wishing to exhibit, can be obtained from Margaret Bartolem, phone 574398.