ONE of the most stressful events in any person's life is moving house. Imagine how that stress is magnified when the move is forced upon you against your will - when you are at one of the most vulnerable periods of your life.

It is no wonder, then, that the residents of Worcester's Avery-Overall Baptist Home are describing its closure as 'like a death'.

Their home is being forced to shut because the management is unable to carry out essential improvements due to its listed building status.

The home cannot be modified to attract new residents and, as a consequence, this makes it no longer financially viable.

This is a great shame as the Avery-Overall Baptist Home has been part of Worcester life for many years. It recently celebrated its silver jubilee and was the longest surviving small residential home in the city.

Those that have been lucky enough to live in its beautiful Britannia Square surroundings have spoken of their sadness at being forced to leave.

We are sure that the re-homing of these eight remaining residents will be handled with care and sensitivity.

Thoughts also need to be spared for the 17 staff who will now lose their jobs as a result of the closure. We can only hope that the skills they have brought to bear in making Avery-Overall Baptist Home such a pleasant environment will stand them in good stead.