FROGS have been burnt, impaled on sticks and hit with golf clubs at a pond at Great Malvern Primary School.

Teenagers, some former pupils, have carried out the killings after school hours over the past few weeks.

Several younger pupils have witnessed the attacks.

Headteacher Jonathan Sides said the youths were getting in over a fence that separates the school grounds and Dukes Meadow.

He said: "We've had frogs and newts splattered, kicked into the air and impaled on sticks," he said.

"If this is the mentality of these teenagers, who come along and want to kill wildlife in this way, it's a little bit frightening as to what they will do next."

Mr Sides said the attacks took place every year, during breeding season.

A spiked 7ft-high fence is due to be erected in place of the existing one, in a bid to keep the vandals out.

Police are also working with the RSPCA to prosecute those responsible.

Sgt Robert Werner-de-Sondberg said: "They were certainly exercising a high level of cruelty right in front of very, very young and impressionable minds."

Judith Haw, of the RSPCA, said: "It's not acceptable for anyone to mistreat or kill animals or wildlife.

"It's something the police are investigating and if we can get enough information, it could be taken further."

While some witnesses have already come forward, most are under 10 and too young to testify.

The police would like to hear from older witnesses or anyone with information. Call 08457 444888.