A CONTROVERSIAL plan to install a bus lane for a proposed light industry park has been sent back to engineers for a re-think.

At the Worcester City Council planning committee meeting yesterday, members agreed to outline planning permission for a business park on the site of the old Ronkswood Infirmary on Newtown Road.

However, they voted unanimously to return plans for access and transportation to engineers for them to come up with new ways of solving potential congestion problems.

The developer, Robert Hitchens, wants to turn the site into two and three-storey-high office blocks.

Members were unhappy to sacrifice a section of grass separating Ripon Road from Newtown Road.

A line of poplar trees - half a century old - would have to be sacrificed to accommodate the lane.

Sue Askin also thought a bus channel would not combat the congestion problem, as parked cars further down Newtown Road also hold up traffic.

Ripon Road resident Jon Baddeley brought public objections to the bus lane forward with an impassioned speech.

The site, designated as employment-generating land, has now been approved, although certain aspects, such as building height and land drainage, are to be re-examined.

Planners will have the chance to look at alternative transport proposals before Thursday, June 30.