A PLAY area blighted by vandalism, sex and drink-fuelled violence will be re-vamped thanks to a £100,000 cash injection.

Residents will be consulted about proposals for the Great Oaty Gardens site, in Warndon Villages, Worcester, before giving them the final thumbs up.

Last week, the Worcester News reported that residents had pleaded for cash to improve the area, which attracts teenagers who vandalise and leave condoms and beer cans.

Worcester City Council is prepared to invest up to a third of this year's budget for landscaping and play equipment into the project.

A nearby resident, who did not wish to be named for fear of reprisals said: "I think it's brilliant and about time.

"It should quieten things down so that we won't have to listen to screaming and shouting."

Cameraman Russell Dixon also welcomed the move.

"I think it's a good idea and will be positive for the area, reducing noise," said the 39-year-old.

The council's parks and cemeteries manager, Ian Yates said: "We're viewing this as an opportunity to re-think the layout of the whole play area, which may mean re-siting the children's play area farther from houses.

Another nearby resident, who did not want to be named, said this would not solve the problem.

"They can throw as much money as they want into the park but it won't solve the underlying problem, - that kids here have nothing to do and nowhere to meet," he said.

A youth shelter erected three weeks ago in nearby Ankerage Green has been called a 'diabolical eyesore' by parish councillors.

The long-awaited open-air structure was built to provide youngsters in the area with somewhere to congregate, but city councillor Lucy Hodgson has said that they have complained about getting wet.

Mr Yates said that residents would have the opportunity to comment on the plans during the summer.

Depending on the scale of the plans submitted, the scheme could be completed during the schools' summer holidays.