WITH reference to last week's letter from Michael Lever, I would like to start by congratulating Ledbury on achieving Fairtrade status, something the town can rightly be proud of.

Mr Lever states that: "The mission of Fairtrade organisations is to maximise sales for the primary producers of products, regardless of wider ethical considerations". In making this statement, he is only giving half the Fairtrade story.

In return for the Fairtrade premium, producers must show they are achieving environmental standards that will lead to more sustainable production, aided by contracts which allow for long-term planning. Money must also be invested in the local community to improve living standards, for example through education, improved housing and healthcare. Surely these are very ethical considerations!

We are not asking people to buy products that are not already on their shopping list, simply to choose to buy a product that will genuinely benefit poorer producers and their wider community. Could I suggest to Mr Lever that he try Fairtrade bananas, avocados or perhaps a pineapple?

The Malvern Fairtrade Group has the support of Malvern Hills District Council in working towards Fairtrade status for the area. We would like to hear from anyone who would like to help with this project, particularly if you live in the Upton-upon-Severn or Knightwick and Great Witley areas. Please contact suewolfendale@onetel. com or (01684) 562804.

SUE WOLFENDALE, Malvern Fairtrade Group, The Moorlands, Malvern Wells.