I have no desire to enter a game of "newspaper tennis" with Jeremy Webb (Your Letters, May 6) but do feel I have to clarify my views about the North Site development.

To me, the whole matter is a case of effective strategic planning. I do not object to North Site being used for housing, quite the opposite. However, this development will have a huge impact on our town. Detailed, unbiased analysis must be carried out so we all know exactly what this impact will be. And yes, of course, I am very concerned about the traffic implications.

What is important is that things are done "properly". The development should not adversely impact the quality of life we enjoy in Malvern. Potential problems need to be identified, innovative solutions need to be found and impartial costings need to be made. If the "contribution" from the developer doesn't meet these costs, then the situation needs to be re-evaluated or additional funds secured. The "wait and see" approach is just not acceptable in this case, too much is at stake.

The Malvern Gazette in its Opinion column (March 18) stated: "It is in Malvern's interest that the North Site development is a positive addition to our town, that it solves more problems than it creates and that it is something we can be proud of."

I couldn't have put it better myself.

Jo McFarlane, Newtown Road,
