ONCE again, I see that the topic of dogs has arisen. I view the ownership of my dog as a privilege and take my responsibilities seriously. I never allow my dog to approach other walkers. He remains on a lead at all times. I have trained him to go in my own back garden. I feel that dogs must never interfere in any way with other folk.

Sadly many dog owners are selfish and lazy, more than happy to look away while their dog makes a mess. The hills are not a dogs' toilet, although some dog owners view them as such, and then demand they remain free for this purpose. I've even seen dog owners drive onto the common, allow their dogs to 'exercise', then drive off again.

Such owners rightly deserve the wrath of the general public. They abuse their freedom, which now, rightly, must be restricted.

PETER WATSON, Assarts Lane, Malvern Wells.