A MALVERN man who has spent more than 40 years as a Scout leader has had his commitment recognised with an award.

John 'Mac' McMillan has received the Silver Acorn - the second highest accolade available - for distinguished services to Scouting.

He was described as 'an inspiration and a good influence' by district commissioner Eddie Gover.

Mr McMillan, of Beacon Road, said: "I was very pleased, obviously.

"I suppose, in a way, it's a just reward for all the time I've put in over the years.

"But when you've been involved that long, it virtually becomes a way of life. You can hardly imagine life without it.

Mr McMillan first became involved in Scout leadership in South Manchester in 1958.

He later moved to the Midlands, where he became the leader of a troop in Stratford-upon-Avon.

In 1984, he moved to Malvern and three years later took over as leader of the 7th Malvern Scouts.

He has only recently stepped down from the role.

Mr McMillan's leaving party was attended by men who had been in the troop as boys and wanted to say goodbye.

"That was particularly touching," he said.

Mr McMillan said his interest in leading Scouts went back to childhood.

"Going right back to the very beginning, I didn't have the most wonderful childhood ever and I wanted to make sure others following me didn't end up with the same," he said.

Mr McMillan was presented with the award by county commissioner Carol Thompson at the AGM of the Malvern District Scouts on Wednesday (May 11).