THE housebuilder paying £50 million for North Site has now set its sights on developing part of Malvern's "green lung".

At a public inquiry starting next week, Persimmon Homes will challenge plans to designate fields between Pickersleigh Road and the railway line as open land.

The inquiry, chaired by a Government inspector, will hear objections to Malvern Hills District Council's draft local plan.

The plan outlines where development could be permitted between now and 2011.

In it, MHDC says the land should be designated urban green space and protected from development.

But a statement from Persimmon says it wants to "create a mixed-use scheme, which would include both private and affordable housing, as well as large areas of public open space and a nursing home".

The proposal could be one of the most controversial at the inquiry. Dozens of residents have already sent in submissions opposing it.

Tony Pilkington, of Hayslan Green, said; "It's glorious greenery and it's very special to a lot of people."

Tom Eustace, of Pickersleigh Residents' Group, said that more than 40 members had written to protest. "It's a beautiful green space with lots of wildlife," he said.

The open ground includes one area that has already been subject to contentious speculation over its future.

Hayslan Field is owned by Malvern Girls' College, which ploughed it up in 2002 on legal advice, to demonstrate ownership and limit use by the public to official rights of way.

Residents had been using the area as open space and unsuccessfully applied to have it listed as a village green in a bid to give it some protection against development.

At one point, Malvern Hills District Council considered buying it to protect it but baulked at the price.

Persimmon's submission does not indicate which parts of the open area it intends to develop and which it will leave open, so the future of Hayslan Field remains uncertain.

The public inquiry opens on Tuesday, May 24, at 10am, and is scheduled to go on until July 26.

The Hayslan Fields proposal is not likely to be discussed until mid-June. Hearings will be held at the Council House, Avenue Road.