LAND in Malvern, Upton, Suckley and Callow End could be earmarked for development.

A number of sites have been put forward as having potential for development, in addition to those already listed in Malvern Hills Local Plan.

The merits of all these extra sites will be considered at the inquiry.

Sites include the former Lower Howsell Road allotments, land off Leigh Sinton Road and Wheatfield Court in Callow End, all put forward as suitable for housing by landowners, developers or others with an interest.

Land at Malvern Hills Primary School in Poolbrook, off Rectory Road in Upton and opposite the Nelson Inn in Suckley are among sites suggested for employment use.

Madresfield Estates has put forward the Lower Howsell Road allotments site.

Estates manager Peter Hughes said: "It's a site that for many years has been thought of by the estate as having the potential for residential development and in the last two or three Local Plans, it's been put forward as a proposed site, so we've put it forward again this time.

"It's surrounded by houses on three sides anyway, so we think it's a suitable place."

The estate is also putting forward land at Hall Green.