COCA-Cola is unlikely to tap a second source of Malvern water for its Colwall factory, according to its operations manager.

But Garry O'Neill has not completely ruled out plans to collect spring water from Walm's Well, near Eastnor.

Speaking at Colwall's annual parish meeting this week, he said: "My view is we're probably not going to go for the second spring.

"Financially it's probably not worth going for because it would be in excess of £1.5million to £2 million to do it, only for a marginal increase in production.

"That's only my view, the company is still going to talk to the Environment Agency and the Malvern Spa Association about the viability of the project."

Coca-Cola Enterprises submitted plans for the Walm's Well project to Herefordshire Council in November, but later withdrew the controversial application, saying further consultations with the Environment Agency and English Nature were needed.

At Monday's meeting, Mr O'Neill said the company could only use water that occurs naturally and the current source, Primes Well, does not always produce the volume of water needed.

"This is why we went for a second spring," he said.

"In the hot summer of 2002 we were stopping on a Thursday afternoon because there wasn't enough water."

Mr O'Neill also plans to reduce the number of lorries going in and out of the factory and revert factory working hours, which currently begin early and finish late, back to 9am to 5pm.

"We are an open factory and if anyone has a question or problem to raise with me, they can get in touch," said Mr O'Neill.

"We want to continue to be involved in the community."