SUNDAY will see more than 1,000 young athletes of the future representing their districts in the seventh Worcestershire All Sports Partnership Youth Games.

They compete in one of the region's largest sports competitions for young people at Nunnery Wood Sports Complex in Worcester.

The youngsters, aged from 10 to 16, will take part in athletics, basketball, cricket, girls' football, hockey, netball, girls' tag rugby, mixed tag rugby and tennis.

More than 200 volunteers, coaches and officials will also get the chance to develop their skills in the games, which run from 9.30am until 4pm.

Districts involved will be Worcester City, Wychavon, Malvern Hills, Wyre Forest, Bromsgrove and Redditch.

The competition is being supported by Sport England, the six districts, the LEA and University College Worcester through the Lottery Sports Fund.

Stephen Brewster, WASP partnership manager, said: "The Youth Games provides a site for competition which is supported and is developmental to the participant's sporting career.

"The social programme running alongside the games ensures that the day is a festival of sport which encourages participation by all."

Wyvern FM breakfast show presenter Stoney hosts the opening ceremony and the Black Thunder Crew will be there too.

Following pre-qualifying tournaments, participants have earned their place in a team to represent the district and ultimately achieve a gold medal.

Brewster added: "The games have grown to the point where each district needs to organise tournaments to select a team to represent their area.

"Those that attend have worked hard to get to the finals and will be encouraged to continue in their activity after the games through the many voluntary sports clubs throughout the county.

"Sport is a great engagement tool for young people and being physically active at a young age is a very positive thing."